Jun 9, 2011

Social EC, Glocal Stylebook allows to purchase fashion items looking at snapshots /Venture Now

F.F.B. launched fashion dedicated social commerce service, Global Stylebook, which lets shops/brands propose/sell items based on fashion snapshots posted by fashionable people.

Generally fashionable people tend to buy items watching someone in snapshots of fashion magazines who is more similar to themselves , Hirata, a director of F.F.B. said. F.F.B. duplicates the process on Web site to provide system allowing users to purchase items.

In addition to user generated snapshots, it accepts from partnered fashion sites and photographers around the world.

At the launch, it partners with about 70 shops and brands to have 1000 items placed. The web site also places 1300 snapshots from affiliated photographers in 7 regions overseas and 8 prefectures of Japan.

Venture Now 6/8/2011

  • A combination of user generated contents, social media and E-commerce is appearing recently. One of the kind of services, iQON, a fashion coordinate sharing, just succeeded to have fundraising round of 140 million yen in May.

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